This list is arranged in numerical order. Scroll down to find yours. See Microsoft's WinSock Error Codes for more extensive documentation. 10004 WSAEINTR -- Interrupted function call. 10013 WSAEACCES -- Permission denied. 10014 WSAEFAULT -- Bad address. 10022 WSAEINVAL -- Invalid argument. 10024 WSAEMFILE -- Too many open files. Actually, it's too many open sockets. 10035 WSAEWOULDBLOCK -- Resource temporarily unavailable. 10036 WSAEINPROGRESS -- Operation now in progress. A blocking operation is in progress. 10037 WSAEALREADY -- Operation already in progress. 10038 WSAENOTSOCK -- Socket operation on non-socket. 10039 WSAEDESTADDRREQ -- Destination address required. 10040 WSAEMSGSIZE -- Message too long. 10041 WSAEPROTOTYPE -- Protocol wrong type for socket. 10042 WSAENOPROTOOPT -- Bad protocol option. 10043 WSAEPROTONOSUPPORT -- Protocol not supported. 10044 WSAESOCKTNOSUPPORT -- Socket type not supported. 10045 WSAEOPNOTSUPP -- Operation not supported. 10046 WSAEPFNOSUPPORT -- Protocol family not supported. 10047 WSAEAFNOSUPPORT -- Address family not supported by protocol family. 10048 WSAEADDRINUSE -- Address is already in use. If you attempt to set up a server on a port that is already is in use, you will get this error. 10049 WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL -- Cannot assign requested address. 10050 WSAENETDOWN -- Network is down. 10051 WSAENETUNREACH -- Network is unreachable. 10052 WSAENETRESET -- Network dropped connection on reset. 10053 WSAECONNABORTED -- Software caused the connection to abort. A connection that has been made was aborted, usually due to connection or protocol error. 10054 WSAECONNRESET -- Connection reset by peer. This occurs when an established connection is shut down for some reason by the remote computer. 10055 WSAENOBUFS -- No buffer space available. 10056 WSAEISCONN -- Socket is already connected. 10057 WSAENOTCONN -- Socket is not connected. 10058 WSAESHUTDOWN -- Cannot send after socket shutdown. 10060 WSAETIMEDOUT -- Connection timed out. 10061 WSAECONNREFUSED -- Connection refused. You will usually see this error when a server refuses a connection from a client, because the server is not listening on that port. 10064 WSAEHOSTDOWN -- Host is down. 10065 WSAEHOSTUNREACH -- No route to host. 10067 WSAEPROCLIM -- Too many processes. 10091 WSASYSNOTREADY -- Network subsystem is unavailable. 10092 WSAVERNOTSUPPORTED -- Unsupported version of WINSOCK.DLL. 10093 WSANOTINITIALISED -- Successful WSAStartup not yet performed. TCP networking has not been initialized on your computer. 10094 WSAEDISCON -- Graceful shutdown in progress. 11001 WSAHOST_NOT_FOUND -- Host not found. (DNS error.) 11002 WSATRY_AGAIN -- Non-authoritative host not found. Temporary DNS error. 11003 WSANO_RECOVERY -- Non-recoverable error. (DNS error.) 11004 WSANO_DATA -- Valid name, no data record of requested type. (DNS error). |