TigerTom's Free Internet Radio Station

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Next broadcast: Currently offline for the near future. Watch this space!

TIME NOW IS: Sun 8 September 03:51am
[PAGE UPDATED: Sun 15 Apr 07]

Want to get your music heard?
Sick of rejection?

Send your CD to:

T. O' Donnell Incorporated,
Suite 501,
International House,
223 Regent Street,
London W1B 2QD,
Great Britain.

No payment necessary, but...

BRIBE TigerTom NOW and get your music played for certain! $65 for 1 year!

Put your money where your mouth is. Think you're good? Find out NOW!

90 day money-back guarantee.

  • Indicate which are your (3) best songs.
  • CD's only. Do not send audio cassettes or MiniDiscs etc.
  • You must have copyright to the material submitted
  • Welcome: Strange and/or unique and/or humourous and/or mad and/or tuneful music.
  • CD's cannot be returned. Sorry :(

If you have your own website link to this web address: http://tigertom.com/radio
The more popular this site becomes, the more people hear your music!



Time now: 03:51:41 | Sunday | September 08 | 2024.