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Make Your Own Votive Picture.

This picture is a result of a notion I had: How to easily get a votive picture of your favourite Saints?

1. Go to and find some traditional religious images.

I advise not using modern or unusual ones, for reasons of copyright, effectiveness or they may have heretical content. You want something tried and tested!

2. Make an 8" x 10" picture in Gimp with layers for the different images (or in any other image editing software, like Adobe PhotoShop or Paintshop Pro).

3. You print it out.

4. Then you buy an 8" x 10" photo frame, gilded if you can find it.

5. Cut the printout to 8" x 10", then insert image.

6. Then either hang it on the wall, or make a little altar, and put a light in front of it; a candle, or a little electric light.

The idea is:

  • You can add in your favourite saints easily;
  • The picture is small enough to take with you easily when moving;
  • And, of course, the spiritual benefits!

Here's my effort to date. In this picture, you have The Holy Spirit, The Sacred heart Of Jesus, St. Padre Pio, The Virgin Of Guadalupe, The Holy Face and The Archangel Michael. Use it if you wish. I waive all copyright, with one exception: You can't make mocking or insulting versions of this image.

Sacred Heart composite image


Time now: 13:57:48 | Wednesday | January 22 | 2025.